Lift Manager
Lift Manager
- Condition Assessment
- Spot Checks & Review Meetings
- Phone & Email Support
- Post Incident Support
- Case Study – ABC Tower
Perform a comprehensive audit to capture the detailed overview of the current conditions and statuses of all equipment to be managed on but not limited to the following:
- Electrical and electronic components e.g. controller, drive, wiring, etc.
- Mechanical components e.g. machine brakes, overspeed governor, safety gear, etc.
- Ride quality and noise levels
- Wire ropes’ stress uniformity, diameter and alignment with the sheave
- Fine measurements of doors, guide shoes, etc.
- Proper lubrication of ropes, guide rails, etc.
Organize regular (bi-monthly, monthly, or even weekly if needed) review meetings with the lift contractor, to review the performance and breakdowns since the last meeting. Conduct site-inspections with spot-checks to verify if the improvement actions agreed in the previous meetings, have been completed and done well. Typical points discussed/reviewed during the Lift Manager meetings are:
- Status update and progress on improvements previously agreed
- Breakdowns, mantraps and repair needs over the last period
- Development of KPI’s (breakdowns/mantraps per equipment, by month and 12 month rolling
- Review and agree actions on past events and how to prevent re-occurrence with the same type of equipment
- Changes/improvements in maintenance regime
- Root-cause analysis of major events and incidents and accidents
- Site Inspections (spot check of actions agreed previously)
- Any penalties or deductions under the maintenance contract
Provide remote phone and email support for your general enquiries for but not limited to the following:
- Incidents and/or accidents
- Lack of spares and/or consumables
- Payable repairs / modernization
- Codes & standards e.g. SS550, EN81-20, ISO, CIBSE, etc.
- Complying to authorities e.g. BCA, JKKP, etc.
Attend on-site for post incidental support, chargeable on an ad-hoc basis. After each support visit, submit a executive summary of the issues at hand and put in records, the minutes of meeting and recommended action plans (if any).